
Yuxi has always been a curious question for the majority of friends, then let's take a look.璜 is a curved sheet jade. "Said the text" said: "Half 璧 is a 璜." In fact, the ancient jade is not limited to a regular half-bow (semi-circular) shape. In the "six instruments", he was used as a ritual device. "Zhou Li Chunguan·Da Zongbo" contains: "I am in the north of Xuan Zang." But in archaeological excavations, it is found in people's chest and abdomen. Adornment, and often is a piece of jade in the group. The data show that in addition to the characteristics of the circular arc, the jade of each era has a very large change in shape, and only a few are regular half-shaped.

It is one of the oldest jade shapes in China. As early as 7000 years ago, there was a jade in the Hemudu culture in Yuyao, Zhejiang. In the middle of the Neolithic period, the Liangzhu culture in the Yangtze River Basin began to be widely used and used. This pair of five scorpions was used as an ornament on the chest, and the shape was irregular and varied.

During the Western Zhou Dynasty, the jade was still widely used. Judging from the actual situation of archaeological excavations, most of the jadeites are still used as typical decorations. The use of rituals for crickets remains to be studied in the future.

In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Peiyu prevailed. As a part of the group of jade, Yuxi appeared in a large number, and its form and ornamentation were extremely rich, and many abnormal shapes appeared. After the Han Dynasty, the jade was a recession. The jade plaques seen in the Southern Dynasties and the Northern Qi are all curved and face-shaped, with holes drilled at the outer ends at both ends, and some of them are covered with gold edges on the inner and outer circumferences, which is slightly different from the earlier.

In the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the official uniforms were required to hang jade, and the jade 璜 reappeared. At this time, the jade has evolved into a comb-back or diamond shape, which is different in shape from the previous generation. During this period, Peiyu’s popularity in the society was very small, and the number of jade was very small.

Aristocratic women in the Tang Dynasty like to wear a group of jade, the main body of Peiyu is the cloud-shaped jade. The same as the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the jade was quite rare at the time.

There are many small jade in the pseudo-ancient jade in the Song to Ming and Qing Dynasties. The purpose is not only for the enjoyment and collection, but the people who wear it in daily life have evolved into new forms such as jade lock and jade.

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