
People are always in motion, so there will inevitably be some sweat in the body. Wearing jade for a long time, jade will be stained with sweat and oil stains, so it takes a long time to wear jade, so be careful to wash frequently.

How should jade be cleaned? In general, jade cleaning can be washed directly with water, but some jade sticks on the body for a long time, there will be oil stains, so use some soap to clean the oil stains. When cleaning, use clean water to clean. Do not leave the soap on the jade. We can use some small brushes for the final cleaning. When cleaning jade, everyone should be careful not to use chemical degreasing agents, which will harm the jade.


First, jade pieces to the hand, first soaked with normal temperature water for 2-3 hours (to be softened by surface attachments), then brushed with a toothbrush, then put in hot water (new jade about 70, 80 degrees or so) soaked, soaked Hot water and jade slowly cool naturally, usually I will be placed in a heat-insulating place where air does not flow, so that the hot water slowly cools. This also allows the pores of the jade to be fully relaxed, and the internal dirt is spit clean. This is done for about 3 cycles, then once every 3 months to half a year, and once in the summer for about 1 to 2 months.


Second, there are usually times to remember not to put jade on the face and nose to smear oil (often seen), that oil is not the so-called nourishing liquid of jade, but it is counterproductive to seal Yumen (capillary pores), Make the jade gloss out of the plate look very stuffy. There is no need to use a bristle brush, because the patina that comes out of the brush feels like a thief. It is recommended to use a soft "white cotton" long towel tray, but it is not suitable to use a dyed cloth or a hard cloth of chemical fiber.

Hetian jade

Third, after a week in the summer (2-3 weeks in winter), use warm water (about 40 degrees) every night to bathe, soak for a while and then brush clean, please be careful to avoid direct contact with soap. After that, as long as the jade pieces are kept clean. If it is convenient, it can be washed frequently. It is well known that sweat contains salt, volatile fatty acid and urea. The jade pieces are exposed to too much sweat, and they are not cleaned up immediately after wearing. The jade pieces will be eroded and the outer layer will be damaged, which will affect the original gloss. Especially white jade, more avoid sweat and grease. If white jade is too much contact with sweat, it will easily turn pale yellow, no longer pure white as fat.

Xiaobian collected some jade materials, summed up the following points about the clarity and maintenance of jade, so that your jade keeps the gloss beautiful.

1. Try to avoid contact with perfume, chemical liquid, soap and human sweat.

It is well known that sweat contains salt, volatile fatty acids and urea. Jade comes into contact with too much sweat. After wearing it, it will not be wiped clean immediately, which will cause erosion and damage to the outer layer, which will affect the brightness. Especially jade, sheep fat white jade, more avoid sweat and oil. Many people think that the more jadeite is in contact with the human body, the better it will be with warmth such as sweat. In fact, this is a big misunderstanding. Jade is different from ancient jade. The ancient jade needs the process of birth, and needs the body temperature to help, and the jade itself is crystal clear, no need to resort to any method, and there is no way to make it more translucent. If the white fat white jade is too much contact with sweat, it will easily turn pale yellow, no longer pure white as fat.

2. Avoid direct sunlight for a long time. Jade should avoid the exposure of the sun, because jade will expand the thermal expansion, and the molecular volume will increase, which will affect the jade. In particular, hibiscus jade, crystal, agate, etc. will burst due to high heat, so it is more difficult to approach the heat source.

3, the pendant should be wiped with a clean, soft white cloth, it is not appropriate to use dyed cloth, fiber-hard cloth. Jade jewelry with diamonds, red sapphire, emerald and other gems should also be wiped with a clean white cloth to remove grease, dust, impurities, moisture or sweat, which will help maintain and maintain the original quality.

4, jade should maintain a suitable humidity. Jade is maintained by a certain degree of humidity, especially jade articles made of water agate and crystal. When the water agate is in the formation period, there is natural water inside. If the surrounding environment does not maintain a certain humidity, if it is very dry, the natural water inside will easily evaporate, thus losing the artistic and economic value of its collection.

5. Avoid collision with hard objects. Although the hardness of jade is high, it is easy to crack after collision. Sometimes, although cracks are not visible to the naked eye, the molecular structure in the surface layer of jade has been damaged and there are dark cracks, which greatly impairs its perfection and economic value.

6. Avoid dust as much as possible. If there is dust in the daily jade, it should be cleaned with a soft brush; if dirt or oil stains are attached to the jade surface, it should be washed with warm soapy water and then rinsed with water. Do not use chemical degreasing fluids.

7. Put the pendant when it is not in use. It is best to put it in a jewelry bag or jewelry box to avoid rubbing or bumping. If it is high-grade jade jewelry, it should not be placed on the countertop to avoid accumulation of dust and affect the brightness.

Have you seen so many jade maintenance rules, have you benefited a lot? For more information, please pay attention to China Jewelry Merchants Network.

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