
The color of jade is very rich, with red, green, purple, white, yellow, black and other colors, and can appear on a piece of jade at the same time, which is a feature that is not found in general jade. In particular, the shape and combination of jade color and the depth and distribution of colors make the jade color colorful. In China, people often use thirty-six water, seventy-two beans, and one hundred and eight blues to describe the diversity of jade colors.

In the course of hundreds of years of jade use, people have used the red, green, purple, white and yellow colors of jade as Fu, Lu, Shou, Yi and Cai, thus enriching their thoughts and feelings and expressing their pursuit of a better life. Yearning for, it also shows that the jade as the carrier of the "Five Fortunes" is in a heavy position in people's hearts.

Among all the colors of jade, the green color changes the most. The bright green color is most loved by the Chinese, and it is also in line with the Chinese aesthetic taste and cultural psychology. Often the color of the jade is the most commercially valuable of green, and among all the gems, only the high-grade emerald green can match it. The color change provides the buyer with a choice. The choice of the purchaser in the color of the jade often reflects personal taste and personality. The true value of jade is precisely the word "investment". If the purpose of purchase is just to wear and decorate, then no matter what color, as long as you like it, often the embodiment of personality is different.

Jadeite without any impurities (ingredients pure Na ALSi2O6) should be pure white, with less pure white jade in nature, usually slightly gray, green and yellow.

Green is the common color of jade, and green jade is divided into light green, green, dark green and dark green. Among them, green is the best color. Most green jadeites contain more or less variegated colors. If the variegated color is obvious, it will affect the price of jadeite. Common greens with variegated colors are: yellow-green, gray-green, blue-green, and yellow-green if the yellow tone is very shallow. Still emerald green. The green color of jade is mainly caused by a trace amount of Cr and Fe in the jadeite molecule (Na ALSi206). The higher the content of Cr and Fe, the deeper the color. In the jade commerce, people use many very vivid language to refer to the green of jade, such as: gems green, boxwood green, sedge green, parrot green, green and so on.

Purple jade is also known as purple jade, which can be light purple, pink purple, purple, blue purple according to the color change. In the past, the traditional idea was that purple was colored by trace Mn, and some people now think that it is the transition of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions to cause coloration. Because purple is regarded as "shou" by people, it is often used to give gifts to the elderly to celebrate the longevity. At the same time, purple is also a jade variety that Japanese people love very much.

The formation of red and yellow is caused by the formation of white, purple and green jade. Due to exposure to the surface, weathering and leaching, Fe2+ becomes Fe3+ to form hematite or limonite, and the microscopic gap between the jade particles is slow. Slowly infiltrated into. People often call the red emerald "翡" or "红翡".

There are two kinds of black appearances of jade, one is dark dark green, mainly due to the high content of chromium and iron, the strong light source is green; the other is dark gray to grayish black jade, this black It is caused by the inclusion of dark minerals.

In the jewelry industry, some vivid and vivid names have been given to some color combinations of jade, such as spring belt color (spring flower), Fu Lushou and so on. Spring belt color: purple, green, white together, purple, green invisible, with the meaning of spring flowers. Fu Lu Shou: Red, green and purple are also present on a piece of jade, symbolizing good luck and representing Fu Lu Shou Sanxi.

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